Tower Stands On Western Properties

Tower stands have been a staple for hunting across much of the U.S. due to their many advantages, yet they are less common on Western properties. Their size, weight, and need for machinery to relocate often discourages use in the West.  However, with the right planning, location, tactics, and tools, tower stands can greatly enhance … Read more

Kevan Miller- Wyoming Archery Mule Deer

HUNT VIDEO:  WYOMING ARCHERY MULE DEER WITH KEVAN MILLER For more information contact: Kevan Miller:  Broker//MT | | 406-4980907 | March & Mill Co: Bakcou: https:

Streambed Enhancement

TOP FIVE BENEFITS OF STREAMBED ENHANCEMENT [While these benefits are listed individually, no doubt improving one will have a beneficial effect on everything else!] As a ranch broker for over 16 years, I am often asked “What should we build, remodel, or add, to increase the value of our property?”  Some of the more popular answers … Read more

Youth Hunting Opportunities by State

The mountain states in the Western U.S. offer some of the most exciting hunting opportunities in the world.  Sharing hunting opportunities with your children and grandchildren is a wonderful bonding experience, and a great way to create memories for all of you, plus pass down your wisdom and life lessons to the next generation.  We … Read more

Shed Hunting Closures

SHED HUNTING CLOSURES Shed antler and horn collection closes each year in various areas and for various dates and time.  Here is a summary of the closures for several Western states. [Disclaimer:  Rules and regulations are subject to change over time.  Verify all rules and regulations in the area you plan collect shed antlers and … Read more